From time to time we get a guest staying at the condos that has a unique story to tell. This is one of them. Her name is Immacule'e. She is a survivor of the Rawanda Masacre and Genocide of the Tutsi tribe by the Hutu's. She has written a book entitled: "Left to Tell". It is an amazing story of one of a few survivors. Her story can also be found by googleing "Immacule'e" or any one of a number of names such as http://www.gracematters.org/interviews/i.ilibagiza.html or
Imacule'e stayed here at the condos the first week of Jan 2009. Uh , , , that's Imacule'e on the right.
Other Guests - There was so much information on them that I created their own post site.
Bob & Gene Berryhill from the Safari Surf Band of the 60's
Beetle Bailey by Mort Walker