A tenant for one of the units arrives to the property and discovers that she will need some baby supplies and doesn't know what to do. you need a crib, high chair, play pin and who knows what else. What would you do?
Somehow somebody knew of the company "Paradise Baby Company". They called the company and Kara answers. Later that morning a van shows up with all the baby gear they would need to enjoy their vacation at an affordable price. I mean they sounded good, they were very polite but if I'm going to place a name on our blog, I'd have to see what others have said about them. And, since I had never heard of the company, I decided to do some checking to see what reviews if any, were on this company. Here's their web site: http://www.paradisebabyco.com/ and then I found this site: http://www.trekaroo.com/activities/paradise-baby-company-haleiwa-hawaii and also this site: http://www.merchantcircle.com/business/Paradise.Baby.Co.Baby.Equipment.Rental.Oahu.Hawaii Phone Kara at: 808-561-1061 or at their North Shore office 808-638-5568
All the sites were created by Paradise Baby Company. There was no negative ads among the sites I found and everything I saw or read about them was positive. Now that I know a little about this company, I'll keep reviews on this blog. For now all is green lights and seems to be a very friendly and happy company. They have had a number of rentals here on the property and all sets ups were in advance of schedule and renters have been pleased with the cost and service.