There have been a number of cleaners needed for the property in the last few years. If you are ever in a need to find one, here is a list of those that have successfully cleaned and currently enjoy working on the condos. You may also call me for a reference and I will forward to you the names, phone numbers and the names of those that they work for. This list is not in the order of best to worst or cheapest or most expensive. They are listed by room number for your easy reference.
Jill Lawrence & Da Merlander - HS#101,108,207 backup for HS#104, 204 Call 206-0539 or
AA Affordable Cleaning - Charmaine Bouquette - HS#203
Butch or Brenda Lafrandre - HS#209 354-2073
Clean Hawaii - Call 554-6931 or Email at
Jonathan & Maravic - HS#211 372-3715 or
Kanoelani Garcia - 754-292
Marsha White - HS#102, 107, 401, 402 & 405
Michelle - HS #502, 503 lead contact
Sharon Calton - HS #605 388-4151 or
Stu Pannel - HS #308, 309, 505 or
Tania Yester - HS #502, 503 Home: 638-8370 / Cell: 497-0837 or
These names and HS#'s on this list may change from time to time and/or if any of the cleaners make changes in their contact information, please let me know.