This was the Nut Rubbish by Unit 101 which we cleaned up and created a beautiful garden (pictures to be posted after I finish) We finally had time to cut down the tree that made all this rubbish.
The nuts in this area made this entire portion of the Property un-usable.
I had just cleaned this area a few weeks before and this is how many nuts I picked up today. Unbelievable! What a mess.
And here's what we're building. A square foot garden for the benefit of all long term tenants and fee-owners who always wanted to garden but don't have the energy to build one.
Some more boxes to be built in the area to the right as soon as I work the ground a bit. Pictures of the new boxes and the completion of this area to be posted soon.

I could think of no better or faster way to clean up the area, so I sucked 'em up with my wet vac . . . and it worked! Finally I get to put to work all that education and training I received throughout my life.

This was the rubbish from the pine tree by the BarBQ area. The rubbish is relentless and terrible for everybody who walks bare foot in this area. This is how much rubbish I picked up today only. However, my goal is to always have this area clean enough so that everyone can walk barefoot on our grass and sand without issue.
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