Saturday, August 13, 2011


V.A.S.H. = Visitors Aloha Society of Hawaii will help you as a visitor if you have problems returning to your home because of something that affected your stay herein the islands. or phone them at 808-926-8274. They have 24 hour service and can come to you if you cannot get to them. It is a travelers aid organization.

Their mission:
The mission of the Visitor Aloha Society of Hawaii is to share Aloha with visitors who have been victims of a crime or other adversities, and to provide follow-up assistance and support in an effort to create a positive memory of their stay in our islands.

Their goal:
Our goal is for every visitor victim, whether from the Mainland, a foreign country, or a neighbor island, to share with their family and friends that, despite an unfortunate incident, the Aloha Spirit of Hawai'i is real and that they can look forward to their next visit to the "Aloha" state.

Their Basic Function:
1) Provide assistance to visitors traumatized by crime or other adversities. Cases can be referred by law enforcement agencies, hospitals, and others.
2) Recruit, train and coordinate the efforts of community volunteers to provide assistance and support to visitors.

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