This one screen company that deserves your inspection that has roots in our property is Zippy at Island Screens in Waipahu. He takes care of any number of items including Glass, screens and door louvers. He can be reached through his office at 671-5425, by contacting me or at their web site or Email them at They have a beautiful new warehouse in Waipahu just below Waikele. They are an established company with obvious plans of being here for awhile. They are also the only company that I have found that can provide the wooden louvers for our front doors. Wooden louvers are spendy because they are made of redwood, but Island Screens has them in sizes we use to match the existing. My advice is to check them out and give them a shot at your upcoming project. I also have Zippys private cell number, so if you cannot reach him at his office, leave a message or call me and I'll get him in touch with you.
Another one is Sy Kaneshiro at Stacy's Mobile Screens. Sy can be reached at 372-4361 he has a mobile trailer that comes to the property and custom builds whatever screens you want to replace. He's been on at least 5 units that I know of and I had him do mine. I was pleased with his price and quality of work.
Here's what you have to start with. What I did was to upgrade to pet screen which gives a thicker weave to your screen and makes it more difficult for kids to damage. I also put in split screens so that they were easier to remove.
Here was my final results:
See the center supports on each screen? then you can see the larger center support around the middle of the screen about 4' up from the bottom. The screens split here and allow you to remove them 1/2 screen at a time. They were heavy duty, well built and affordable. Sy did the work on time and came when he agreed to.
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